Still Alice was phenomenal. It's emotional and tragic and beautiful and all the things. If you're not familiar with the book (or movie), it's about a woman who has Alzheimer's. I have a working knowledge of the disease, but this book really, really explains and explores the impact.
Someday, Someday, Maybe is actually a book I read for a book club discussion (that's happening in a few months) and also because after the first read of this quartet, I needed something lighter. It's written by Lauren Graham, so I was pretty sure I would enjoy this. And the good news is I did.
The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k was a book I happened upon looking for the original version. This was great. It was a good reminder of perspective and figuring out how to live the life that makes the most sense for you.
The Underground Railroad was an ARC that showed up unexpectedly at my door. It's another read that is powerful in its tragedy. It kept me reading and offered a perspective on the Underground Railroad that was different. It's another emotional read, but one to add to a to-read list for sure.