Well, let me tell you.
First off, it's a work in progress. Some of what it is I'm still figuring out. However, I'm going against my typical "super planner of all the things" grain and building my vision as I go. I realized (with a helpful nudge) that I didn't have to know every single thing this would be. What mattered is that I love reading, and I love books, and I want to spend more time in that space. While I can't be a real-life librarian (yet), I can play one on TV, er, the internet.
Here is what I do know about why I decided this should be a thing - I love talking books. I love hearing what people are reading. I love telling people what they should read next. These types of conversations are some of my favorites, and I wanted to have a unique role of cultivating them virtually.
And so, Club Book Mobile was born. The name was an homage to one of my favorite childhood stops - The Bookmobile! While the library was obvs my dream location, the fact that there was a vehicle full of books traveling around the city was especially awesome.
(Source: tscpl.org)
I mean, y'all, there could literally be a library anywhere at anytime. What more could a girl want? I mean, you
The name is also an homage to the mobile nature of this venture. A book club is often built around the monthly, in-person meet-up. Not physically being in the same city/zip code/timezone can then be a barrier to having that club. So, instead of letting that be an obstacle, I opted to change the game in how this was organized. What if you could be in a book club no matter where you were? Well, now you can! I've actually been in a monthly meet-up for some time, and I've come to really enjoy it, and now I'll be providing a similar and expanded opportunity to those I know and love (oh, and some new friends, too).
I've got some books picked through the end of the year for club reads, and I'll be sharing those soon along with more details about how to get involved. Spoiler Alert: IT'S SO EASY. I also have some regular features planned as well as some giveaways. In other words, if you need more books and all things reading in your life, Club Book Mobile is for you. You can (and should *hint hint*) give a "like" to the page to stay updated as things get rolling.
I'm really stoked to intentionally create a space I've craved for some time and to see where it goes. So, let's get reading y'all!