Time Out: Yes, I have a life coach. It's a way I'm investing in myself, and it's been really valuble. I'll write about it more soon-ish.
Anyway, back to the pizza.

(via MTV)
I was talking with my coach about goal-setting. As I was processing some "stuff" as I do each week, she said, "We still have a third of the year left."
Y'all, that blew my mind. I'll be real that prior to our call this week, I was ready to look towards 2019, and I guess in many regards closing the books on 2018.
But then I stopped.
If 2018 were a pizza, there would still be one-third of the pizza left. Y'all THAT'S A LOT OF PIZZA. I certainly wouldn't throw out a box with one-third of the pizza left. And if I wouldn't do this with pizza, I shouldn't do it with my year.
There are four full months left to go, y'all. I was so busy focusing on all that 2019 could be that I was going to leave so much of 2018 unfinished. I was busy thinking about my next planner (literally, I was in the planner selection process, I'm serious about that stuff), ready to forget about the goals I set, and I'd convinced myself to go all "Better luck next year!"
Ummm, what?
One of the greatest pieces of coaching is when I arrive at truth bombs like this one. I mean, it was almost laughable as I considered how much of the year there was left to go. THERE IS SO MUCH PIZZA LEFT, Y'ALL!

(via GIPHY)
I'm taking the time to this week to revisit the goals I'd had for this year. I was really stoked about them once upon a time, and I've still got plenty of time to put some work into making things happen. I mean, after all, some pizza is better than no pizza.

Now (as in the literal right now), I'm really focusing on takings things one day at a time. I'm chipping away at my plans one slice at a time. . . 
I know, I know, the pizza analogy was there, and I just had to take a bite out it.

Focus. (That's a note for me more than anything, ha!)
Many of the posts I write here are aspirational. I want to do more of what I love. I want to live in space where I get to explore and expand on my passions. I own what holds me back. I will say I've made definite progress in some of these areas. However, there is work to be done. The next four months can be so much, and that only happens with way more doing. It's taking intentional steps towards where I want to go. It's saying no to some things, and saying yes to others. When the opportunity I want/need isn't totally there, it's figuring out how to still make things happen.
Until 11:59 PM CST on December 31st, 2018, there is so much I can do. There is so much I will do. There's still pizza in this box, and I'm hoping to not leave many crumbs behind.

Here's to making the last third of 2018 the best third of all!
Oh, and also I'm now craving pizza.

(via GiPHY)