Could and should are funny words in that they're quite relative. Who is defining what these are? Why do I feel the need to do more? Anyway, I didn't write this post to be philosophical, so let's talk facts.
I started Club Book Mobile because I wanted to create a space to share the books I love. I wanted to build a place where I could share out (and allow others to do the same) around books that are worth spending time with in life. I wanted to cultivate conversation around a shared love of reading.
I think I've gotten there to a point, but I also want and need to dedicate more time. I want to not as a could or should, but as a want and even a need. I know I am capable of actually putting more energy into this all than I do. I know that part of the reason I don't is that it's a protective strategy. If I don't put everything in, I can't be let down. I can rationalize if I don't get the outcomes I envision that it was because I wasn't all in. But y'all, what kind of strategy is that?

Spoiler Alert: It's not a great one.
I know I don't need to do an intense overhaul, and I won't. What I can do is just do a bit of a "tune up" on what I'm doing now. It's about intentionally creating, maintaining and just being in this space I love.
So, here's what to expect from here? I'm putting this here for both y'all and me. It grounds me in an actual plan of action. Yes, I have to actually follow through, but this is the start. Chapter Two, if you will. #seewhatididthere #iknowiknow
- #drivethrureviews: For books that I woud rate as 4/5 or 5/5 stars, I do an individual spotlight on IG and FB. It's a chance to give an extra spotlight to something I really liked and think folks should check out.
- Quartets of Book Reviews: I review in quartets because it keeps me in a rhythm. It gives me a stopping (and starting) point for a post. I'm probably going to change up how I photograph these, but it's been working for years, so why change it?!?
- #sayhellotyourfriendsfriday: So, this is new, but y'all, I'm so excited. As you might recall, I've re(built) a strong Babysitters Club connection. I want to actually make my way through these. So, as I do, I"m going to reflect on my journey back into Stoneybrook.
- Memes and Book Humor: I am going to carve out specific time to look for these. I tend to do these here and there, but I am going to actually carve out some space that will allow this to be a more regular share.
- Themed Lists: With all the books I read, I have plenty to pull from to create more cohesive lists around shared subjects/topics/themes.
- Booksgiving: Okay, so this is big. I've had an in-person event in mind for some time. My goal is to make it happen in the next three months. Stay tuned!
- Book Club-ish: Long ago, I'd hope to have an online book club. Ultimately, it didn't go because I just wasn't behind my own idea. So, I'm going to think and see where this could go.
- ARC Giveaways: I'm going to continue these. Also, if you won from my last round, I still owe you your winnings. July was very much a doozy!
- Real Life: In addition to book blogging, I want to make sure to take the time to write about my life beyond the pages. Aspirationally, I'd like to do that weekly. In reality, two per month seems like a good start?
I'll see you out on the road y'all!