Unsurprisingly, I'm back with another round of reviews. This round was heavy on the kind of books that stick with you long after you're done reading, as well as the books you are likely to revisit again (and again).
Cool for the Summer by Dahlia Adler was a delight of a YA romance. The story focuses on Lara. Lara has had a longstanding crush on Chase, the popular, handsome athlete (who is not a jerk - worth noting because that's not always the case in stories like this/IRL), and he's now interested in her. This is just what Lara has wanted for years. Except Lara had a very unexpected summer of romance with Jasmine. And then, AND THEN, Jasmine shows up at her school. Now Lara has some tough choices to make to figure out what she really and truly wants. Y'all, this was a really well done account of high school. It even gave me some throwback feels of my own high school days which I don't always love, but in this case, it speaks to how well it was able to craft a real story. Thanks to NetGalley for the early look at this May 2021 release!
Four Winds by Kristin Hannah was so powerful and amazing. This author is absolutely incredible when it comes to historical fiction. This story centers on the Great Depression and Dust Bowl. With this, it really hones in on what the human experience of this time was like. The story focuses on Elsa. The book begins with her life taking an unexpected turn. What follows is then the story of the hard decisions she has to make for herself and her family throughout this time. No choice is easy, and this is an incredibly emotional read. However, that pain is important in understanding the reality of what this time was like. I learned so much through the way this story was told. There was incredible care given to building a plot that really conveyed just how hard this time was. Elsa was also an amazing character. The way she and her story evolves is what really drew me in as I was so rooting for her and all she encountered. This is a story that will absolutely draw you in, hit you in the feels, and stick with you long after you're done reading.
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown was fantastic - obviously. It'd been a minute (or seven years) since I last read it, so I was way overdue to revisit this one. This is just a wonderful reflection on the importance and power of vulnerability. There's just a way that Brene explains things that just resonates with me. The last time I read this I borrowed the book from a friend. I'm very happy to now have a copy where I've been able to mark my favorite stuff that I can revisit. There are just so many messages that spoke to me for night now, but also all of the times. I am so thankful for the work and wisdom she provides in giving voice to such important topics.
The Black Friend: On Being a Better While Person by Frederick Joseph was outstanding. The author uses his own experiences (which are honest and emotional) to explain different topics around racism. Within the stories, he takes the time to educate on what is actually happening. With this, he uses specific terms (and includes an incredible glossary at the back) to explore the reality of situations he has found himself in. The power in this is that these aren't just abstract concepts, but lived experiences. With each story, he also has an interview/reflection with someone to further explore the chapter's focus. While this is a YA read, it is definitely a solid read for humans of all ages.
Onto the next ones!