My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Here's the thing y'all. I read this book when it first came out, and I didn't love it. I've always wanted to re-read it as I just felt like something was "off" in that first read. Looking back at the date, the disconnect absolutely makes sense. I wasn't at a place where I could really connect with this one back then. So, seven years later, I came back. The second time around I loved this one. First off, I think I just understood the message so much better. It wasn't about saying yes to all the things with reckless abandon, rather this is about saying yes with intentionality and purpose. It's about living in the moment and seizing opportunities for joy both the big things and the simple everyday things. I also connected with the motherhood part of the story this time around being a new mom, so this was also a re-read with a completely new perspective. All around, I'm glad I came back to this and that I can report I loved it so much more this time around.
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