My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Once again, this was a book of reflections that came into my life at the exact right time. Present Over Perfect is one of my all-time favorites, so I was very excited to be back with this author's work. For me, this is definitely a season where things are new and different. There's the experience of the last two years that we've all gone through, and then, for me, it's about becoming a mom. I just love the author reflects on faith and family and finding the opportunities to reflect and ways to grow. I also appreciate that she isn't afraid to write honestly about pain and when she doesn't get it quite right. I find these are the moments I resonate with her books the most. I have lots of passages from this one marked, and I'm glad I decided to buy this one as I anticipate this is one I'm going to want to reread every so often.
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