My rating: 4 of 5 stars
What I love most about Kristan Higgins is the way she writes books that provide depth to all of the women in the story. With this one, she could have easily just focused on one character, but instead, she created a cast that allowed this story to be explored from a variety of perspectives. The story focuses on Lillie. Just as she's preparing for a new chapter as an empty nester, her husband informs her that she'll be taking on another new chapter with divorce. Lillie is devastated, especially because she didn't see this coming. Her reaction of choice to her ex-husband's choice is then pettiness and revenge. In addition to working through this, she's working to re-establish her relationship with her sister which has been strained since a decision they each made as a child. A childhood friend who was part of a tragic night from her past also re-enters her world. Oh, and there's a connection she finds in her ex-hsuband's step-daughter. That's a lot of layers, right? That's what makes this one so great. Each of these add dimension to Lillie's story via their relationship to her. This was just such a wonderful read about complicated dynamics when it comes to love, family and friendship! Thanks to NetGalley for the early look at this June 2022 release!
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