Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Bookish Adventures - Library Night at The K

If you've spent any amount of time on this blog, it's apparent that reading is one of the great loves of my life. If you know me IRL, you also know that Kansas City Royals baseball is one of those other great loves. That said, when I found out that the Royals were having a Royals Night at The K, I knew I had to be there!

I was really pumped to win tickets from the Friends of the Johnson County Libraries! I would have bought tickets regardless, but free tickets are always my jam.

So, what does Library Night at The K even mean? Well, y'all, I didn't really know. However, within five minutes of walking into the stadium, I realized I had found my heaven on earth.

There were booths set up for each of the libraries in attendance, as well as for KCPT, our local PBS station. Y'all, there were so many free, amazing things available. 

Here's the visual recap.

Note: In addition to the stuff they had for adults/me, they had so much great stuff for kids. If you have a kiddo who loves the library as I did/do, this would be such a great place to take them!

Anyway, let me recap what I found!

First off, they had signs! This sign will 100% be added to our Royals (and Cardinals) themed basement. Again, ALL MY INTERESTS IN ONE PLACE. Then, KCPT had a kiosk to vote for the Great American Read complete with "I Voted" buttons. A few of the libraries were also giving away books. Y'ALL, LET ME SAY THIS LOUDLY - THEY WERE GIVING FREE BOOKS TO PEOPLE AT THE BASEBALL GAME. WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE! Even cooler was that 2 of the 3 books I received were on my to-read list. I also had the experience of walking through the stadium with a stack of books. If ever a scenario described who I am in life, this would 100% be it. There were also other great things I snagged because y'all when it comes to swag, libraries are on their game!

In addition to the libraries stuff, I landed some baseball stuff, too! It was T-Shirt Tuesday, and the shirt happened to be for Royals broadcasters Ryan LeFebvre and Rex Hudler. When the promo schedule was released, this was a shirt I'd had my eye on, so the timing was perfect. As luck would have it, there was also a book signing at the team store! Former Royals trainer Mickey Cobb has a new book about the pine tar game, so I purchased a copy of Blue Whistler. Stories of baseball history are some of my favorites given my love of the intricacies of the game and the lore of players' careers, so I'm excited to read this one. Not to mention, Mickey Cobb was just an all-around kind and friendly human that I loved chatting with for a bit.

Also, you might have seen libraries in the news this week. I picked up this bookmark that really speaks to how much libraries matter in my community and so many others.

I always enjoy a night at the ballpark, but given all the book-ish things I found, this one especially awesome! It also was nice to see the Royals win! Obviously, it was the power of library lovers behind them that helped! I'm definitely planning on making this game one I attend each year. I'm already looking forward to the next one. Oh, and next year, I'm definitely bringing a bigger bag to carry all the books and giveaways! If you have a library night with your local sports team, I'd highly recommend going. If you don't and/or you missed this one, you can always find a pretty amazing local library in your community.