Present Over Perfect is so, so, so great. I've heard the "buzz" from a lot of folks, and I was so excited to finally read it. It's beautiful and great and all the things I hoped it would be. It's about just what it says - Embracing imperfection. I got it from the library, but loved it so much I went out and bought a copy to own and read all over again.
Leading Imperfectly was also fantastic. It was a perfect (#seewhatisortofdidthere) read to couple with the first one of this round. This one was also about being authentically you. I especially liked it because the author has a higher education background, so the examples and stories were particularly relevant. Highly recommend this read, too.
Family Pictures was the "Lifetime Movie-esque" read I needed. I love Jane Green, and I dug this one.
Memoirs of an Ex-Prom Queen was a classic read. It was written in 1972 and given the issues it discusses, you can really see what a monumental book it was back then and even now. I don't remember how this landed on my radar, but I'm glad I checked out.
Onto the next 100. . .