Wednesday, October 12, 2016

2016 Reads - #85 - 96

It's been a minute (or three months) since I blogged back. So, here's a dozen of things I've checked out recently-ish

What I Know Now: Letters to My Younger Self would have totally been my jam in my twenties. Now that I'm in my thirties, I hate to say it didn't land like it would have back then. It was interesting to hear the advice women would give to themselves based on challenges they'd found along the way and a good reminder of how we don't always have to have it all figured out.

Truly Madly Guilty was so great. I'm officially on the "I need to read new Liane Moriarty as soon as it comes out" train. This one was masterfully written. The story is about an incident, but she leaves out just enough details that you don't know what happened, but you NEED to know. This meant I read this in about a day and a half. I think this is my favorite LM book yet. 10/10 - Highly recommend.

SuperBetter came to me via a colleague recommendation. It focuses on how we might "gamily" life to be healthier and happier. It was really, really interesting. The book had lots of challenges to complete throughout, and while I did some of them, I probably need to do another read-through of the book to really get all I can out of it and to implement techniques.

A Dog's Purpose is actually going to be a movie soon, so that's neat. The book is told from the perspective of the dog, and if you like dogs, you'd like this read. Also, it has many #feels.

On Grief & Grieving was a book I read for work. Truth be told, I was worried it was going to be a terribly saddening book when it actuality it provided me with a lot of insight on the grieving process. I found it made me more comfortable with grief which I guess is a good thing.

Getting Naked & Silos, Politics & Turf Wars are by the same author and in the same format. They were both really interesting. The author writes these as leadership fables (fancy way to say a story about a workplace), and it definitely gave me some nuggets. I've also recommended these ones to quite a few people given their helpfulness.

The Undomestic Goddess was a predictable read . . . in a good way. I needed something to get back in the swing of reading, and a Sophie Kinsella was just what I hoped it would be. It's a cute read and a fun read, and it's not going to change your life, but it's worth checking out.

Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake was a really wonderful memoir about getting older and going through life. Historically, Anna Quindlen books have been a lot to handle for their drama (see Every Last One), but this one brought about some really great thoughts and reflections on aging.

Snow White: A Graphic Novel was a read because I hadn't read a comic in awhile. I love all things Snow White, so I was destined to love this. The difference in this re-telling is it's set in the roaring twenties. It was really creative and beautifully illustrated.

Brady, Brady, Brady was about The Brady Bunch. I didn't anticipate it was anything that was going to set the world on fire, and it wasn't. It was interesting, and i learned a few things about the series I didn't know before, but nothing to write home (or here?) about.

Death by Meeting was so fantastic. Meetings are problematic in a lot of ways, and this book offered such a great spin on how to get the most out of them. I'm trying to figure out how to integrate some of the techniques mentioned in it, and I'd absolutely recommend to literally anyone who has to lead and/or participate in a meeting in life ever.