Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Late October Reads

October was a good month as far as books were concerned. Here are four more that I squeezed in to the month.

True Gentlemen: The Broken Pledge of America's Fraternities was a book I read for work. It's a tough read (as far as emotion), but a needed one. It's a deep dive into fraternity culture and how a toxic culture develops. It's really well researched and explained, and it made me think quite a bit. It even also has some emotion and hope at the end, and I even ended up tearing up on the plane. For those of my friends who do the kind of work I do, it's a must read.

Tolstoy and the Purple Chair: My Year of Magical Reading is about a woman who decides she is going to read one book a day after her sister's death. It was interesting. As per usual, I feel weird judging memoirs. I did find I wanted to know more about all of the books she's read via the book. She did do a good job of explaining how books connected her to her sister and other times in her life. As a reader, I related with that part. Also, the prospect of being able to do nothing but read for a year is pretty great.

The Power of Moments is the newest book by one of my favorite pairs of business-y books. Surprise - It's about how moments stick with us! There was some interesting research throughout, and more than anything, it made me think about how I structure educational experiences. It's a quick read, but not one to rush to check out.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck was one a co-worker had told me to read awhile ago. Finally, my turn came up at the library. It is outstanding. It made me think a lot about how I'm spending my time and what it says about what I value. It's made me stop and think a lot about how I could definitely be doing better at some aspects of my life as far as the time and energy I give. Similarly, there are some places where I need to care less. This one is quick read that is definitely worth moving up your book queue.