Note: I usually post pictures of the books I read.
I don't know where they all are right now. Instead, here's a meme.
The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian was a selection for a book club I actually led, then left, then never read. It's a bummer this one took me this long to read because it's fantastic. It's about Junior who is attending high school on an Indian reservation, then moves to the public high school. It is just such a wonderfully told story about high school (in all its emotional angst), as well as how Junior navigates his identity in different spaces. It is fantastic.
How To Think is a book people who are not me will probably enjoy. It's all about this idea that we don't think as individuals rather we think about our thoughts in the context of other people. Sound confusing. It can be. For me, the stories and examples were really interesting and helpful to understand the concepts, and I wish there was more of that.. For others, I think they'll likely dig the theory that is throughout. Again, it's for people who aren't me. Oh, and I got this book for free. Thanks Blogging for Books.
Sisters First: Stories From Our Wild and Wonderful Life is a memoir by Jenna Bush Hager and Barbara (Pierce) Bush that was just a good read. It was literally just a collection of stories and what it was like to be in the White House, twins, sisters, etc. The Bush twins are my age, so I've also been intrigued by them and followed their lives. A lot of what they shared here I didn't know, and I appreciated their authentic storytelling. Before reading this, I was in a bit of a reading funk, and this one broke me out of it.
A Short History Of The Girl Next Door IS A SAD BOOK. I'm going to write that in all caps because you need to know that going into reading this. Heck, I knew that, and you know what? IT WAS STILL SAD. It starts with unrequited love which was formerly my area of expertise. Then, IT IS JUST SAD. SAD. It's sadness well done because the characters are endearing, but y'all, this one kind of broke me. Oh, and this was also free. You the best, Blogging for Books.