Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Meeting with the Babysitter's Club

Before we talk books, you should know that I own a Kristy Thomas doll. 

Oh, that's cute that I've kept a childhood toy, right?


I found it at an antique mall a few weeks back. And y'all, when you see the doll of your favorite member of the BSC at a reasonable price, YOU BUY THAT DOLL.

No idea what I'll do with her, but who cares?!? She's mine.


In addition to buying a BSC doll, I also re-read some books this week. I opted to read the original Kristy's Great Idea, as well as the new graphic novel version that Raina Telgemeier illustrated.

Predictably, I still loved the books. I read a lot of BSC as a kid, and there's something so familiar about these stories and people. Kristy is my forever favorite mostly because she's the babysitter whose personality most reminds me of me. Claudia's (mis)spelling in her journal entries will always bother me, but I will never tire of loving her outfits and wish I had her junk food stash. Mary Anne and Stacey are just as I remembered them, too. It did feel a little strange reading this one without Dawn, Jessie and Mallory, so maybe I'll have to read more to get the full club experience. And by maybe, I mean probably. . .And it'll likely be a Super Special. Because Super Specials were just the best! You got stories from the point of view of all the babysitters in one, and what's better than that?!? Right? RIGHT?!!?

Okay, I'm stopping. Meeting adjourned.