Friday, May 27, 2016

What's Making Me Happy - 5/27

This week's edition of What's Making Me Happy is really some of my "forever happy" sources, but still worth the share.

First off, there was the Dancing With the Stars finale. I've been a DWTS watcher since Season 4 (FYI - They're now on Season 22), and this cast was of my favorites. I would've been happy with a Paige and Mark, or Nyle and Peta winning. However, I have to give all the love to this routine. If you're not familiar with Nyle, he's the recent winner of America's Next Top Model who has been deaf since birth. In other words, he can't hear any of the music. This routine has been on repeat all week. (P.S. If I started a blog feature called, 'What's Making Me Ugly Cry This Week,' this would be there, too.)

And then, of course, it was SPELLING BEE WEEK!!! This is the best sports week of my year, and this was one of the best Bees yet. First off, there was Nihar v. Jairam as the main event: 

We also upped our Spelling Bee Watch Party game this year, and we added a draft. I was able to take home a co-win with Nihar!

(We've also already started planning for what next year's party might include.)

And finally, I've saved the best, happiest, cutest thing for last - AKASH! Akash Vukoti was the first grader who qualified for the Bee, and he is just adorbz on adorbz on adorbz: